Remixed by Akash... My buddy.
No wonder together friends can do wonders!!!
The kind of bond we've built over the time,
is it routine or is it sublime ?
Is it only between us this way
or do you bind with others too, in the much same way ?
A laugh, a kiss, a flower and a dew,
I wonder, Will it last just a day or two?
The times that I crave to spend with you,
Do you cherish it the same way, too ?
I wonder, If its just a deceptive perception,
a passing phase or a [deep long recession ?????] genuine attraction ?
And will you accept my lesser side, much in the same gist,
which you may discover once the haze ceases to exist ?
Sending 50 messages a day,
might be easy for you today.
But calendar will change, and it will rain,
will you continue to shower it then ?
You say, you like my scoldings too..
Your flattering words, be it false or true..
I so enjoy whatever we do..
But will it last just a day or two ?
I've been thinking about your lovely smile,
I've held you as Special, all this while.
But, is it the same with you too, this time,
Is it routine or is it sublime?
Awesome twosome!!! nice!